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LDraw Math Question??
Thu, 26 Sep 2002 19:18:35 GMT
420 times

I'm having a few problems with the LDraw coordinate/rotation system.

I understand that LDraw 'world' coordinates follow the following:

-X is on the left.
+X is on the right.
-Y is up
+Y is down
-Z is into the screen
+Z is out of the screen

To me this is a left hand coordinate system. Which is fine.
What I'm curious about is  given the system above, when rotating
about the Z axis by a positive angle, does the +X axis on the
right swing up? or down?

When rotating about the X axis by a positive angle, does the +Z
that is near the user swing up? or down?

Along with this, I have questions about the Matrices in the type 1
lines. There are two conventions here; in some systems you transform
a point as a column vector on the right side of the matrix (as in
traditional matrix math and as used in the Foley & Van Dam textbook),
while in some other systems you transform a point as a row vector on the
left side of the matrix (as in the Newman & Sproull textbook).  This is
usually correlated with the choice of a right-handed vs. left-handed
system, but not always.

Does anyone know which method LDraw uses?

If a type 1 line is:

1 16 X Y Z A B C D E F G H I  file.dat

and a point in file.dat (x,y,z) then which of the following does LDraw use:

            A B C
1)  x y z * D E F
            G H I

            A D G
2)  x y z * B E H
            C F I

      x     A B C
3)    y   * D E F
      z     G H I

      x     A D G
4)    y   * B E H
      z     C F I

Note: I beleive that effectively, 2 is equivilent to 3, and 1 is equivilent
to 4.

Is there any insight into these questions out there?

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: LDraw Math Question??
(...) When rotating around X, +Y -> +Z. When rotating on Y, +Z -> +X. For Z, it's +X -> +Y. (...) It doesn't matter (I think) - you get the same results either way. Personally, I program with the vertices as a row vector on the left: [x1 y1 z1 1] (...) (22 years ago, 26-Sep-02, to lugnet.cad)

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