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Re: I need to know how to make a video that shows 4 views
Fri, 14 Jun 2002 14:26:02 GMT
806 times
In lugnet.cad, Todd Thuma writes:
In lugnet.cad, Eduardo Vazquez Harte writes:
Does anyone know what is it called this technic or effect or even how to
make it? and with what software? I use videomach.

Please I need to know.



I checked out the company that makes VideoMach,, and read over
what their software will do. I have no experience with the software, but
from the sounds of it you can do this 4 views in one frame effect with a
little bit of work.

From reading over the software discription at the web site, it sounds as if
the software takes still images and threads them together into a movie, the
output of which is your choice. In order to do this you will need image
editing software. I HIGHLY recommend PhotoShop from Adobe.

Thanks but is too advance for me I prefer M$ Paint or as sometime I call it
paintbrush "I like the old one of win3.1"

Take each still image of the four views and paste them into a single frame.
In Photoshop I would do this in this manner. Assuming each still is 320by240
pixels I would start with a new image in Photoshop that is blank and has the
dimension 640by480. Then I would paste the first view into the upper left,
the second view into the upper right, the third view into the lower left and
the fourth view into the lower right. The order is, of course, you decision.
I would then same that frame as "Frame001.jpg".

Repeat this process for all four views and all still images. Be certain to
keep the views seperate so that all of the stills of one view appears in the
same area of the screen. Then use the VideoMach software to stich the
images, Frame001.jpg to FrameXXX.jpg into one movie.

I know that I was looking for a faster way of doing this.

If the views are already movies, then you will need some advanced software
to make this happen. You will need a non-linear editing software like Final
Cut Pro 3 or Adobe Premiere 6.0. They will let you composite videos together
in one screen. Place each video in a separate corner of the frame and let
the computer "render" the final video.

I check them out those apps thanks.

It sounds interesting what you are doing. Good luck!

THX againg CU


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: I need to know how to make a video that shows 4 views
(...) Eduardo, I checked out the company that makes VideoMach,, and read over what their software will do. I have no experience with the software, but from the sounds of it you can do this 4 views in one frame effect with a little bit of (...) (23 years ago, 14-Jun-02, to lugnet.cad)

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