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Re: Announcing the 2nd Annual Space Set Design and Building Contest -- Part II: Ice Planet 2002!
Newsgroups:,, lugnet.cad
Mon, 13 May 2002 03:58:12 GMT
91 times
1.the radar piece is basicly the standard one with an ice planet logo
from the 2x2 tile placed over it. I know patterns made this way arent
supposed to be done but this is only a mock-up
2.I never bothered to check the visor because I assumed that when bram
made the mock-up that he would check the position of the antenna.
3.the heads are basicly re-colored versions of existing heads and not
intended to be 100% like the real head.
4.the baseplate is a re-colored version of the existing unprinted part.
If there are problems with the part, take it up with the creator of the
unprinted version :) The reason it may appear incomplete is that certain
surfaces have been hardcoded white (so that when you use it with a main
color of blue, some surfaces are white, some are blue and the inside of
the pit is black, basicly I made the surface the color that was most
prevalent on that surface on the real part.

If there are any other comments about the part, let me know but remember
that they are mock-ups after all.

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Announcing the 2nd Annual Space Set Design and Building Contest -- Part II: Ice Planet 2002!
(...) Okay, the problem I noted may have been caused by line wrapping -- but I checked only one file. So, if anyone wants to use these DAT elements, please do so but please check them for line wrapping first. Basically, all one must do is open up (...) (23 years ago, 13-May-02, to,, lugnet.cad)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Announcing the 2nd Annual Space Set Design and Building Contest -- Part II: Ice Planet 2002!
(...) I don't so much object to the roughness of the mockups as the fact that they appear to be incomplete. Some even have artifacts that are not probably part of existing DAT files. And FWIW, the visor mock up has the antennae on the wrong side of (...) (23 years ago, 13-May-02, to,, lugnet.cad)

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