Re: Can some give me a hand on delphi?
Thu, 9 May 2002 11:26:25 GMT
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You could make one big if for the (X > 280) and (Y > 20) and (X < 320)
and (Y < 220) because that's the same for all.
if (X > 280) and (Y > 20) and (X < 320) and (Y < 220) then
if (label1.Caption = 'Spot 1 front') then
label1.Caption:=('Spot 1 right');
if (label1.Caption = 'Spot 1 right') .....
Furthermore you could play with const array's to store the filename and
label names so you can access them via numbers whom are useable via case
and can reduce the source further, but will make it more diffacult to read.
Eduardo Vazquez Harte wrote:
> Hello,
> After making the my first interactive demo I notice that the are too many
> IF and too much code for a simple project so I whould like to know
> how to make this if in to a " CASE " you know all a case x of .
> Well here is the if.
> ...............................................................
> if (X > 280) and (Y > 20) and (X < 320) and (Y < 220)
> and (label1.Caption = 'Spot 1 front') then
> begin
> image1.Picture.LoadFromFile('house\house1r.bmp');
> label1.Caption:=('Spot 1 right');
> end
> else
> if (X > 280) and (Y > 20) and (X < 320) and (Y < 220)
> and (label1.Caption = 'Spot 1 right') then
> begin
> image1.Picture.LoadFromFile('house\house1b.bmp');
> label1.Caption:=('Spot 1 back');
> end
> else
> if (X > 280) and (Y > 20) and (X < 320) and (Y < 220)
> and (label1.Caption = 'Spot 1 back') then
> begin
> image1.Picture.LoadFromFile('house\house1l.bmp');
> label1.Caption:=('Spot 1 left');
> end
> else
> if (X > 280) and (Y > 20) and (X < 320) and (Y < 220)
> and (label1.Caption = 'Spot 1 left') then
> begin
> image1.Picture.LoadFromFile('house\house1f.bmp');
> label1.Caption:=('Spot 1 front');
> end
> ...............................................................
> If is not possible to make if in to a case the how can a reduce the code?
> Thanks
> FTP is on until
> 24:00 spanish night time
> ftp://ldraw:ldraw@
Message has 1 Reply: ![](/news/x.gif) | | Re: Can some give me a hand on delphi?
| (...) I think I'll use the big IF for now as I don't know how to do the other way thanks a lot. (...) FTP is on until 24:00 spanish night time ftp://ldraw:ldraw@21...136:20202/ (23 years ago, 9-May-02, to lugnet.cad)
Message is in Reply To:
![](/news/x.gif) | | Can some give me a hand on delphi?
| Hello, After making the my first interactive demo I notice that the are too many IF and too much code for a simple project so I whould like to know how to make this if in to a " CASE " you know all a case x of . Well here is the if. ......... if (X (...) (23 years ago, 9-May-02, to lugnet.cad)
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