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How do you do this in pov-ray?
Mon, 29 Apr 2002 11:04:04 GMT
458 times
Can someone show me how to make this

camera {
#declare PCT = 0; // Percentage further away
#declare STEREO = 0; // Normal view
//#declare STEREO =  degrees(atan2(1,12))/2; // Left view
//#declare STEREO = -degrees(atan2(1,12))/2; // Right view
location vaxis_rotate(<-220,-72,140> + PCT/100.0*<765.967,-625.409,-765.967>,
sky      -y
right    -4/3*x

#if (Lookat = 1)
look_at <-220,-72,200>
#if (Lookat = 2)
look_at <-220,-72,0>
#if (Lookat = 3)
look_at <-120,-72,140>
#if (Lookat = 4)
look_at <-320,-72,140>

angle    90//67.3801
rotate   <0,1e-5,0> // Prevent gap between adjecent quads
In to a cloack animation so I can render it all at once with using the if?

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: How do you do this in pov-ray?
(...) Replace "Lookat" with "clock", then render it with a starting clock of 1 and a final clock of 4, in four frames. Fredrik (23 years ago, 29-Apr-02, to lugnet.cad)

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