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 CAD / 749
    Re: What's wrong with the L-CAD list? —Tim Courtney
   (...) Wild. Will we then get all the loads of messages sent to the server in its downtime?? -Tim <>< (26 years ago, 1-Feb-99, to lugnet.cad)
        Re: What's wrong with the L-CAD list? —John VanZwieten
   (...) there (...) send (...) Does someone have a list of e-mail addresses of those on the list. Perhaps we should send a message to everyone letting them know what's going on and how they can join the discussions here. -John Van (26 years ago, 2-Feb-99, to lugnet.cad)
        Re: What's wrong with the L-CAD list? —Steve Bliss
   (...) Yeah, I've got one around here somewhere. You can get one by sending an email to In the body, type REVIEW L-CAD. Steve (26 years ago, 2-Feb-99, to lugnet.cad)
        Re: What's wrong with the L-CAD list? —Larry Pieniazek
   I think it's back. But the long delay reminds me that we have an open question on the table about gating/converting (which I think we were talking about in admin.general, no? I forget. (26 years ago, 2-Feb-99, to lugnet.cad, lugnet.admin.general)
        Re: What's wrong with the L-CAD list? —John VanZwieten
    Larry Pieniazek wrote in message <>... (...) Yes, and here on lugnet.cad. A discussion needs to be started on LCAD to see what everyone there thinks about the move. (I'll probably wait until tommorrow so we don't (...) (26 years ago, 2-Feb-99, to lugnet.cad, lugnet.admin.general)

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