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Cabinet and Cavalier Views (was Re: LDraw view I like)
Sun, 31 Jan 1999 09:41:28 GMT
968 times
Here are some Views I've been using lately. If you put these in
the [Views] section of ldraw.ini, Both LDLite and LDAO can
use them.

The first is the isometric view:
This is what you get by looking from one of the corners of a cube, and is
to the default view.  The advantage is that the x and z axes are bith at
30 degrees to the screen window horizontal, and the y axis is vertical.
length on a line parallel to one of the axes is distorted equally.  I find
that useful
when laying out models and guessing distances.

Next are some slightly strange views which distort the model but
are common in drafting.  With the Cavalier view, the front of the
model is displayed normally, and the side and top views are
projected back at an angle.  The typical example of this is a drawing
of a cube, where you see a square for the front of the cube, and the
sides and top go back with edges at a 45 or 30 degree angle.  The
beauty of the Cavalier view is that the front of the model is diplayed
undistorted, and edges that go back at the proper angle are the correct
length, which again helps in eyeballing measurements when laying out
models.  A Cabinet view is a Cavalier view but with the depth cut in half,

so that it looks a little more realistic.


The mathematicians will notice that the calvalier and cabinet views are
not rotations but rather shear transforms, using the off-diagonal

Got Source?

Steve Bliss wrote:

I was playing around with the views James Jessiman listed in
ldraw.doc, and made a variation of the one he labeled 'different?'


Message is in Reply To:
  LDraw view I like
I was playing around with the views James Jessiman listed in ldraw.doc, and made a variation of the one he labeled 'different?' -a0.625,0,1.075,0.53...1.25,0,2.5 (You could probably drop a few decimal-digits) The default 3D view is not a natural (...) (26 years ago, 11-Nov-98, to lugnet.cad)

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