Re: Fix for Trans - light - blue showing as trans-dark-blue in POV-RAY
lugnet.cad.ray, lugnet.cad
Thu, 30 Nov 2000 00:25:10 GMT
94 times
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Brad Hamilton wrote...
> There are at least 2 ways of fixing the color:
> 1) In your final POV-RAY file, search for "(Color41)" and change the text
> (about 3 lines below) "rgb <0.313726,0.313726,1>" to "rgb(.6,.75,.94>"
> 2) Create an include file called (you can use notepad to
> paste the text from below). Bram just posted this to the lugnet.ray group.
> I've reposted it below with color41 added.
3) You can also use the extended transparent color 0x399C0F0,
(R:153=0x99, G:192=0xC0, B:240=0xF0)
which both MLCad/L3P/L3Lab support.
> As an example, here is a brickshelf page showing the above model in two
> versions.
> The left one shows it with the trans-lt-blue corrected, but without any of
> the corrections in the include file. Notice how the tan is a bit too dark
> and appears a bit too orange compared to real LEGO
> The second one (on the right) uses the include file (actually, I just
> patched the colors manually, but the effect is the same as using the include
> file). Notice how the tan is slightly lighter. I think the second version
> looks more like real LEGO.
If you use color 382=256+16*7+14 (gray/yellow dither) for tan
you'll get (<.682,.682,.682>+<1,.906,.212>)/2=<.841,.794,.447>
If you use color 19 you'll get <.8,.667,.4> :-)
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