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Re: Fix for Trans - light - blue showing as trans-dark-blue in POV-RAY
lugnet.cad.ray, lugnet.cad
Thu, 30 Nov 2000 00:25:10 GMT
94 times
Brad Hamilton wrote...
There are at least 2 ways of fixing the color:

1) In your final POV-RAY file, search for "(Color41)" and change the text
(about 3 lines below) "rgb <0.313726,0.313726,1>" to "rgb(.6,.75,.94>"

2) Create an include file called (you can use notepad to
paste the text from below).  Bram just posted this to the lugnet.ray group.
I've reposted it below with color41 added.

3) You can also use the extended transparent color 0x399C0F0,
(R:153=0x99, G:192=0xC0, B:240=0xF0)
which both MLCad/L3P/L3Lab support.

As an example, here is a brickshelf page showing the above model in two

The left one shows it with the trans-lt-blue corrected, but without any of
the corrections in the include file.  Notice how the tan is a bit too dark
and appears a bit too orange compared to real LEGO

The second one (on the right) uses the include file (actually, I just
patched the colors manually, but the effect is the same as using the include
file).  Notice how the tan is slightly lighter.  I think the second version
looks more like real LEGO.

If you use color 382=256+16*7+14 (gray/yellow dither) for tan
you'll get (<.682,.682,.682>+<1,.906,.212>)/2=<.841,.794,.447>

If you use color 19 you'll get <.8,.667,.4>  :-)

Message is in Reply To:
  Fix for Trans - light - blue showing as trans-dark-blue in POV-RAY
I recently posted to lugnet.cad.ray asking for a solution to this problem. When you use L3p to convert .dat files to .pov, it seems to convert the trans-light-blue parts into trans-dark-blue. Based on the suggestions, I think I've isolated the (...) (24 years ago, 28-Nov-00, to lugnet.cad.ray, lugnet.cad)

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