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Re: *** LDView v0.9.1 Released ***
Mon, 9 Oct 2000 22:15:22 GMT
518 times
Fantastic piece of software. I love to sit and watch a model spinning round and round. I'm stunned!


Travis Cobbs wrote:

You can now download LDView v0.9.1 (both source and binaries) from:
(This second site has been pretty slow lately, so you probably want to try
the other one first.)

I wasn't originally going to have another release before v1.0, but there
were enough changes that I felt another pre-1.0 release was required.

This release has a number of new features and bug fixes, and you can see the
complete list in the History.txt file in the release or by looking at the
Change History web page at either of the sites listed above.  The highlights

* File polling, to allow your model to be auto-updated when you modify and
save it in another program such as MLCad.

* Cut-away feature that lets you cut away near parts of the model to look

* Readme.txt file converted to HTML, and added to the Help menu.

In addition to the new features, v0.9.1 should contain fixes for all the
bugs reported to me to date, with the exception of fullscreen mode not
working on Voodoo1/2 cards (although I did hopefully fix the crash).  If you
encounter any bugs, please report them to me, as I would like to have as few
bugs as possible in v1.0.  Please direct these bug reports to the group only, or send me e-mail.  Hopefully, this will be the
last release before I release v1.0.  (I know, I said that last time.)

As always, let me know if you have any questions, comments, or suggestions.
It's unlikely that any feature suggestions will make it into v1.0, but
that's what I said when I released v0.9, and look where it left me ;-).  I
value your suggestions greatly, though; many of the features in LDView
currently are the result of suggestions by users.

--Travis Cobbs (
(Remove .REMOVE from address to send me e-mail.)

Tore Eriksson

ICQ: 76066510

Message is in Reply To:
  *** LDView v0.9.1 Released ***
You can now download LDView v0.9.1 (both source and binaries) from: (URL) second site has been pretty slow lately, so you probably want to try the other one first.) I wasn't originally going to have another release before v1.0, but there were enough (...) (24 years ago, 7-Oct-00, to lugnet.cad,  

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