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 CAD / 17921
  Re: datsville airport
(...) My scene with hangar, Sal Colibri and sound barriers: (URL) Colibri alone: (URL) well, Jacob (11 years ago, 14-Dec-13, to lugnet.cad)
  Re: datsville airport
(...) Awesome! However, the hanger is missing a roof, no? Also, LDView complains about two missing sub-models, h-doer.dat and lukket.dat. Mike (11 years ago, 15-Dec-13, to lugnet.cad)
  Re: datsville airport
(...) Yes. I never got around to put it into the LDraw version. (...) I better look into that, when I add the roof. Play well, Jacob (11 years ago, 15-Dec-13, to lugnet.cad)

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