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Re: LEGO Racers screenshot
Thu, 13 May 1999 13:18:40 GMT
764 times
On Thu, 13 May 1999 06:24:25 GMT, Joshua Delahunty
<> wrote:

Steve Bliss wrote:

On Fri, 30 Apr 1999 18:21:47 GMT, "Todd Lehman" <> wrote:

Wow, could those actually be studs with the word "LEGO" on top?

Think it's texture-mapped or 3D?

Considering that the tires, wheel-hubs, and the studs under the grille
tiles are all texture-mapped, I guess the stud-tops are, too.

<...sounds of image-surfing...>

Talk about your Ghosts of Subthemes Past.  Castle, Pirates and Ice-Planet,
oh my!

I find the sequence starting with
<> very

The one at

is really freaky (to me).  Seeing a Mini-Figure with his arms out like
that -- it just ain't right!  :-)

That's gotta hurt.

You haven't spent much time playing any of the LEGO Media titles, have you?
Minifigs regularly fly apart (the opening sequence in LEGO Island features
a yellow head bouncing out of a LEGO ambulance, the driver chasing it down,
and chucking it back into the ambulance).

So has anyone noticed the previews of LEGO Racers and LEGO Rock Raiders at
Game Spot? <> and

The writer (I'm guessing) is missing some of the finer points of
virtual-building, LEGO Media-style.  Unless LEGO Racers allows better
building than LEGO Island did.  And I wonder what engine they are using?
The Racers screenshots look very reminiscent of Tonic Trouble.


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: LEGO Racers screenshot
(...) Pretty gruesome opening for a company allegedly opposed to play-time violence. Cheers, - jsproat (26 years ago, 13-May-99, to lugnet.cad)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: LEGO Racers screenshot
(...) The one at (URL) really freaky (to me). Seeing a Mini-Figure with his arms out like that -- it just ain't right! :-) That's gotta hurt. -- joshua (26 years ago, 13-May-99, to lugnet.cad)

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