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 CAD / 16743
    Re: LGPL Datsville —Tore Eriksson
   (...) Get any nibbles yet? /Tore (15 years ago, 17-Dec-09, to lugnet.cad)
        Re: LGPL Datsville —Michael Horvath
     (...) Bram Lambrecht and Duane Hess gave their permission. My emails to Joachim Probst, Nicholas Allan, Rob Farver, Brian Sauls, Thomas Burger and Calvin Walton all bounced back. (15 years ago, 22-Dec-09, to lugnet.cad)
         Re: LGPL Datsville —Calvin Walton
     (...) (I originally sent this to Michael Horvath directly, but I can post to Lugnet now, so for the public record...) Looks like you got lucky, I just happened to be poking around in some of my old bookmarks today and browsed the Lugnet news page (...) (15 years ago, 5-Jan-10, to lugnet.cad)
        Re: LGPL Datsville —Michael Horvath
   By the way, did you ever try and join the Google Code project? (15 years ago, 22-Dec-09, to lugnet.cad)
        Re: LGPL Datsville —Tore Eriksson
   (...) Well, yes and no. I clicked on a join link, but it read something like I should contact the owner of the project to join. /T (15 years ago, 22-Dec-09, to lugnet.cad)
        Re: LGPL Datsville —Michael Horvath
   (...) If you email me your username I'll add you to the project. (15 years ago, 26-Dec-09, to lugnet.cad)

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