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 CAD / 16673
    404's at LGPL Datsville Page —Tore Eriksson
   (...) There are broken links at start page (Project Home\Summary) * The current list of permissions is here. * Some useful links are here. Click on "here" at both link and you'll get a 404. They worked before, but not any longer. /Tore (15 years ago, 24-Nov-09, to lugnet.cad)
        Re: 404's at LGPL Datsville Page —Michael Horvath
   (...) Should be working again. I moved them to a sub-folder and forgot to update the links. Mike (15 years ago, 25-Nov-09, to lugnet.cad)
        Datsville Lite Zip Problems (Was: 404's...) —Tore Eriksson
   (...) Now it works. Thanks! Next problem: I can't unzip the Datsville Lite archive at (URL) winzip and winrar says unknown method. /Tore the Troublemaker :) (15 years ago, 25-Nov-09, to lugnet.cad)
        Re: Datsville Lite Zip Problems (Was: 404's...) —Michael Horvath
   (...) Uh-oh! That's a problem! I used 7-zip to create the archives. I hope none of my other files suffer from this as well. In the meantime, you can also get DV lite from here: (URL) (15 years ago, 25-Nov-09, to lugnet.cad)
        Re: Datsville Lite Zip Problems (Was: 404's...) —Tore Eriksson
   (...) No, that's not a problem anymore. I just installed 7-zip and unzipped the file instantly. All I needed was that info. Thanks again, Mike. /Tore (15 years ago, 25-Nov-09, to lugnet.cad)

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