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 CAD / 13258
    Re: LEGO Factory impressions —Thomas Main
   (...) Kelly, Enjoy v. 1.3....just think, you can still build with an unlimited parts palette(which users of 1.4 cannot) and, according to some, has better automatic brick placement . I am going to experiment with getting 1.3 back on my computer, (...) (20 years ago, 26-Aug-05, to lugnet.cad, FTX)
        Re: LEGO Factory impressions —Larry Pieniazek
   (...) I brought in a nifty little microfig (1) hoversled/skycar that Nik had doodled up in 1.3 into 1.4... it told me about missing parts, so I had it fetch them. Then I tried uploading it. It would not let me upload it to the Factory gallery (...) (20 years ago, 26-Aug-05, to lugnet.cad, FTX)

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