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LEGO STAR WARS Videogame modding / skinning
lugnet.starwars, lugnet.cad
Fri, 5 Aug 2005 22:52:47 GMT
518 times
Just a heads up for those of you who would like to get a bit more gameplay out
of LEGO Star Wars (PC version only)

There are 4 or 5 game modders (myself included) showcasing what we've managed in
this thread  There are
many more screenshots there.

We've managed to get unused characters into the game (Zam Wesell, Jawa etc, Buzz
Droid), made some unplayable characters playable, changes the game scripts to
alter the gameplay in some levels and swapped some ships around (landspeeder in
the podrace, ARC-170s and Anakin's Yellow Hot Rod flyable in the Battle for
Luke's Landspeeder in the Podrace level.
Unused Buzz Droid models
Unused Zam Wesell model
Flying ARC-170s in the Battle over Coruscant

And saving the best for last...
The first reskin for the game (as far as I'm aware).

Unfortunately there are some limitations with what can be done, depending on the
whim of the programmer who made the UVmaps for the skin wraps over the models.

In english, that means that depending on the model used, there are some places
that cannot be coloured differently to other places. Also it looks like it's
impossible to do leg decals, and arm decals will be very tricky and more often
than not impossible.

Still, plenty of scope to get reasonably close approximations of existing
official minifigs, and of course endless possibilities to make custom minifigs
working within the limitations of the skin meshes.

Here's my Bespin Leia

The compromise here being that the arm colour has to match the base torso colour
when reskinning Padme. Those are the two variations that bring me closest to the
official minifig.

Unfortunately I can't colour the hip piece independently of the torso due to the
skinmap pulling the textures from both pieces on this model from the same area
of the skin. It should be dark brown.

I may try fudging it and adding a brown strip to the bottom of the torso front
decal & see if that looks any good. And I don't think he ever came with a cape
in the LEGO Sets (but he looks better in the game with one regardless). All in
all, not too bad...

This is my skin showcase/tutorial thread at

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