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Re: img2sticker: Convert images into .ldr stickers
Thu, 30 Jun 2005 13:03:34 GMT
2775 times
In lugnet.cad, Timothy Gould wrote:
   The thing is, anti-aliasing should be invertible if you know the routine used to perform it in the first place.

Hmm, I don’t think so. Traditional antialiasing spreads the partial pixel errors from a line (or edge) into the adjacent pixels. In order to undo it you’d need to know where the line is, but that’s the very information you’re trying to recover from the image.

In this case you’re not working from an antialiased image, but rather one that has been sampled by a scanner or a digital camera. There was no antialiasing applied. They just save what they see, blended colors and all.

   Maybe someone could write a GIMP or Photoshop plugin for it.

I’m pretty certain they already have edge sharpening and unblur convolution filters which should be useful for undoing some of the blending, before converting to the closest ldraw colors.

Have fun,


Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: img2sticker: Convert images into .ldr stickers
(...) Strictly speaking though, (almost) any filter is invertible. Of course you do need to know what the original filter was which is easier said than done. (...) Although it even worse as the image has been stored a a jpeg which bleeds the colours (...) (20 years ago, 30-Jun-05, to lugnet.cad, FTX)

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: img2sticker: Convert images into .ldr stickers
(...) I did know that ;-) (and checked through all documents to make sure I had it right). I blame it on posting too long after I'd turned into a pumpkin. The thing is, anti-aliasing should be invertible if you know the routine used to perform it in (...) (20 years ago, 30-Jun-05, to lugnet.cad, FTX)

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