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 CAD / 11807
  Re: on Collision, stop Movement
(...) You need to have the user pick more than just the "male" and "female" locations. To get the two bricks on top of each other (instead of inside each other), the "male" and "female" locations ought to have some concept for up and down. For parts (...) (21 years ago, 18-Aug-04, to lugnet.cad)
  Re: on Collision, stop Movement
(...) To clarify, my system consideres each connection point as a vector with a defined point of origin. The vectors are perpendicular to the stud axis. In this way a brick can rotate about the vector (or stud) and still be aligned just like real (...) (21 years ago, 18-Aug-04, to lugnet.cad)
  Re: on Collision, stop Movement
(...) I was addressing this issue from the user's point of view. The math of the transformation matrices needed to carry out the user's intent is a detail I do not wish to cover (it's only coding, right?). I am only trying to define a minimum set of (...) (20 years ago, 20-Aug-04, to lugnet.cad)

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