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Re: MINI C-38 Dropship
Newsgroups:, lugnet.cad
Tue, 20 Apr 2004 19:42:09 GMT
230 times
In, Paul Baulch wrote:
   In, Miklos Hosszu wrote:
The C-38:

I like how you use the droid parts for the angled cockpit area. But does that 1x4 gray tile with black stripes exist in real life?


Well actually that gray tile does not exist in real life...yet...

And I don’t think it will ever be molded in that cool classic gray color, If you know what I mean :(

Actually the whole MOC is still exists on my computer because I was too lazy to build it. Probably there are some stability problems with it, (I haven’t found any) so I’m planning to upload the building instructinons.

I’m working on a scene with some of my MINIs, something like the Mission ( The only thing I know for sure now is the title: The Outpost (I have already createdsome missile turrets and guns)

I created the pencil like drawings with LDview.

Anyway thanks for the comments


P.S.: Paul your spacecrafts are reeeally coool.

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: MINI C-38 Dropship
(...) I like how you use the droid parts for the angled cockpit area. But does that 1x4 gray tile with black stripes exist in real life? Cheers, (URL) Sci-Fi LEGO> (21 years ago, 20-Apr-04, to, lugnet.cad, FTX)

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