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Re: Lights
Wed, 14 Jan 2004 01:36:34 GMT
1015 times
In lugnet.cad, Leonardo Zide wrote:

I’ve looking into some lighting stuff and I’m curious to know what kind of lighting parameters people usually use when creating POV renderings.

The settings I could come up with are:

  1. Ambient Light Color
For each light:
  1. Light Position
  2. Light Color
  3. Light Attenuation
Directional Lights also have:
  1. Target Position
  2. Spot Cutoff (the angle of the spread of the cone)
Are there other useful options I’m missing?


I now forego point lights in favour of area lights - usually 3, each with a 4x4 grid of lights. I find it gives nice soft shadows without the sort of washed out look that a sky sphere gives, and you can control which parts of the model get light better.

See here for an example.



Message is in Reply To:
I've looking into some lighting stuff and I'm curious to know what kind of lighting parameters people usually use when creating POV renderings. The settings I could come up with are: Global: - Ambient Light Color For each light: - Light Position - (...) (21 years ago, 13-Jan-04, to lugnet.cad)

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