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 CAD / *19810 (-5)
  Re: Need info help
(...) has been done before trying to start it... in this case the part exists already, or so it seems. Mark, take heed. (24 years ago, 13-Aug-01, to, lugnet.castle)
  Re: New animation
pat, plz enter your bike hummingbird in my contest... thx -p (...) (24 years ago, 12-Aug-01, to lugnet.cad.ray,
  Re: Need info help
Here's Bram Lambrecht's round shield (URL) (24 years ago, 12-Aug-01, to
  Silver low profile technic hubs
Has anyone modeled the large low-profile technic hubs, such as the back wheel from the <set:8417> Mag Wheel Master? Also, what color is that silver in ldraw? Thanks Adrian -- (24 years ago, 12-Aug-01, to
  Re: New animation
(...) Ooops, that shoul be: (URL) (24 years ago, 12-Aug-01, to lugnet.cad.ray,

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