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 CAD / *19735 (-5)
  Re: An interesting CAD image
(...) magazine (...) callouts (...) The right rear wheel is in fact there, but it doesn't appear in this rendering. That seems to be an artifact of how the rendering was produced. If part #2 comes in front of part #1, it will be drawn transparently (...) (24 years ago, 10-Aug-01, to
  Re: An interesting CAD image
(...) This was actually a misfeature, but it's a convoluted story to explain. I accidentally accomplished what I at first set out to do. :) It kinda looks like the car is decloaking. :) -Gary (24 years ago, 10-Aug-01, to
  Re: An interesting CAD image
(...) Niftyness :-) I set the image as my desktop wallpaper. Doesn't help that I run the same scree res and I think I have a window maximized when I look at it ;-) BTW - notice it appears James forgot the back right wheel on the car. I like the (...) (24 years ago, 10-Aug-01, to
  Re: An interesting CAD image
(...) I really like the new Suzuki Transpera. I take it you made that intentionally? I got one by accident when first implementing transparent windshields. -Erik (24 years ago, 10-Aug-01, to
  An interesting CAD image
(URL) image shows James Jessiman's car.dat file with every part marked as "selected" in GWCAD. The result is that the car resembles an auto magazine ad in which parts of the vehicle are displayed semi-translucent so callouts can be drawn to all the (...) (24 years ago, 10-Aug-01, to

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