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Development 16580
LDraw Files 10413
LeoCAD 174
Mosaic Maker
LDD 260
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MLCad 2388
Ray-Tracing 3055
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lugnet.cad– Discussions of CAD software/models/animations, LDraw, LDLITE, LeoCAD, MLCad, L3G0, L2P, L3P, BlockCAD, etc.

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  Re: Feedback on Brick physics simulation - ROBLOX
(...) Wow. (10 months ago, 11-May-24, to lugnet.cad)
  Re: Feedback on Brick physics simulation - ROBLOX
. (11 months ago, 19-Apr-24, to lugnet.cad)
  Re: Feedback on Brick physics simulation - ROBLOX
(...) lol (2 years ago, 1-Oct-22, to lugnet.cad)
  Re: Feedback on Brick physics simulation - ROBLOX
(...) I had never been heard about before. But your comment made me curious. Now Google tells me that this is a business with 22 Billion $ US worth! And actually there would be no good reason why anyone in 2006 would pretend to be a (...) (2 years ago, 27-Sep-22, to lugnet.cad)

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