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 Building / Vignette / 577
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The Trophy Room
lugnet.announce.moc, lugnet.adventurers,
Mon, 10 Oct 2005 02:57:40 GMT
!! (details)
142 times

From the memoirs of Marcus Reginald Thunder (1918 – 2005):

“My fondest childhood memories revolve around the great home of my uncle, the famed
explorer and adventurer, Jonathan Thunder. His great country-side mansion contained
priceless treasures from around the globe, but none were as valuable as the stories told
by an old man to an eager young nephew…”

“The largest room in his manor, the great Trophy Room, was furnished only with the
collectible souvenirs of a lifetime of globe-trotting and adventuring - prizes from an age
when a man could voyage the free earth and leave his great mark upon a thousand
foreign lands.”

“Here in this room my Uncle told me the greatest stories ever imagined…”

Presenting The Trophy Room, the grand treasure trove of our favorite adventurer!

At 24 x 24, I think it may be a little large to be considered a vignette, but I’ve also
created a few Entomology Vignettes that accompany the creation depicting Johnny
Thunder’s Prized Bug Collection.

Also, check out these Behind the Scenes pictures of some of the sets I created to get
the ‘photograph’ shots.

I hope you enjoy them.

Please let me know what you think.

Patrick Yrizarry

(Thanks to Christian’s Adventurers site for Adventurers reference information.)

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