| | Re: My first attempt at a 8x8 vig
(...) You know, you must be doing something very BAD to have thoughts like THAT in your head.... Reminds me of the Lorena Bobbit incident ;-0 Legoswami (20 years ago, 25-May-05, to lugnet.build.vignette)
 | | Re: My first attempt at a 8x8 vig
(...) Yikes! Talk about a severance package! Dave! (20 years ago, 25-May-05, to lugnet.build.vignette)
 | | Re: My first attempt at a 8x8 vig
(...) Yeah, he was axed from his unit. JOHN (20 years ago, 25-May-05, to lugnet.build.vignette, FTX)
 | | Re: My first attempt at a 8x8 vig
(...) Luckily, his doctor remembered him. Dave! (20 years ago, 25-May-05, to lugnet.off-topic.pun, FTX)
 | | Re: My first attempt at a 8x8 vig
(...) I think his Urologist was Dr. Neuweiner, from La Grande, Oregon. His vanity plate said: 2PCME JOHN (20 years ago, 25-May-05, to lugnet.off-topic.pun, FTX)
 | | Re: My first attempt at a 8x8 vig
(...) I believe you're correct. Dr. Neuweiner wrote the seminal work on the subject, by the way. (...) If Neuweiner had been a Liberal, I expect you'd have read his license as 2PC4ME (not a pun, but I guess it sort of fits) Dave! (20 years ago, 25-May-05, to lugnet.off-topic.pun, FTX)
 | | Re: My first attempt at a 8x8 vig
(...) I'm looking forward to his upcoming sequel, "Tips for making the cut in medicine". (...) If he had been a Liberal, his bumper sticker would still say, "John Kerry"... JOHN (20 years ago, 25-May-05, to lugnet.off-topic.pun, FTX)