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 Building / Vignette / 158
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Re: 7 Vignettes, some even starring Joe Vig
Mon, 28 Mar 2005 21:14:39 GMT
1775 times
In, Bruce Hietbrink wrote:
   Hey, very nice. My favorite is probably the alien abduction one as well. I also agree that a picture of the Plunge one where you rotated the vig by about 45 degrees would help make it clearer.

I beg to differ--the beauty of “The Plunge” is that the viewer is looking up into the panicked faces of the riders. If the shot is rotated 45 degrees, we lose that immediacy.

I suppose the focus could be sharpened, but IMO the composition is great as it is.

   I like the concrete shoes one, except for the gray barrel piece. It’s a bit too big and ends up looking like Moses among the bulrushes rather than the latest victim of a mob hit.

What if it were titled “Moses the Rubbed-Out Informer” instead? 8^)

Not sure what a good option would be instead of the barrel. Maybe a blue 1x2 plate on a gray 1x2 brick instead of the blue legs?

Great vigs overall, though. Nice work, Carsten!


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  Re: 7 Vignettes, some even starring Joe Vig
Hey, very nice. My favorite is probably the alien abduction one as well. I also agree that a picture of the Plunge one where you rotated the vig by about 45 degrees would help make it clearer. I like the concrete shoes one, except for the gray (...) (20 years ago, 28-Mar-05, to, FTX)

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