Re: Dexter Boy Genius
Tue, 16 Dec 2003 20:38:20 GMT
1594 times
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Nice job. When I first saw it, my thoughts were the same as
Adrian's. However, with the drawing style of Dexter, it looks
good blocky, and I think that makes this a very effective
sculpture :)
This one time, Steven McDonough wrote:
> This is my first sculpture that I have done. I had the idea over three years ago
> but it has taken me that long to collect the purple and orange needed for
> Dexter's gloves and hair.
> I didn't relize it before this project but Dexter is drawn with the same hair
> loops regardless of what angle he is drawn at. Also his glasses and two buttons
> are visible from the side. I chose to show them only from the front so his side
> profile dosen't quite look right compared to the cartoon version.
> I wanted to make him lifesize (2 feet tall) but I realized I didn't have enough
> pieces of any color to make him so he is only 14" tall.
> -Steve McDonough
I always said I wanted to be (\`--/') _ _______ .-r-.
somebody. Perhaps I should >.~.\ `` ` `,`,`. ,'_'~`.
have been more specific. (v_," ; `,-\ ; : ; \/,-~) \
stripes at tigerlair dot com `--'_..),-/ ' ' '_.>-' )`.`.__.')
stripes at brickbox dot com ((,((,__..'~~~~~~((,__..' `-..-'fL
Message is in Reply To:
 | | Dexter Boy Genius
| This is my first sculpture that I have done. I had the idea over three years ago but it has taken me that long to collect the purple and orange needed for Dexter's gloves and hair. (URL) didn't relize it before this project but Dexter is drawn with (...) (21 years ago, 16-Dec-03, to
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