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 Building / Sculpture / 1186
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FSM - All Hail His noodly goodness!
Fri, 31 Aug 2007 01:02:30 GMT
!! (details)
189 times
Hello all...

2 new mocs found in this folder (once moderated) both dedicated to all that question “Intelligent Design”.

Yes Virgina, there is a Flying Spaghetti Monster... Here HE is in all his noodly goodness!

This moc was totally inspired by the work of Chris Doyle of Reasonably Clever

Who was of course inspired by the work of Bobby Henderson of the Church of the FSM

Yes Virgina, there really is a Invisible Pink Unicorn. Here SHE is in all her invisible goodness.

(Psst, yeah, its a joke!)

This moc was inspired by a concept developed on the bulletin board system at the University of Iowa.

Who were of course inspired by Russell’s teapot, of which I have not, but will (eventually) build a MOC of.

Confused yet??? Yeah, “Intelligent Design” can do that!

Janey “Loves a good satire, Red Brick”

P.S. Please post any religious debates or hate mail to the proper forums. Thanks.

Message has 5 Replies:
  Re: FSM - All Hail His noodly goodness!
As a certified pastafarian, let me praise you, and his noodley appanage's. All hail the meatball! Chris (...) (17 years ago, 31-Aug-07, to, FTX)
  Re: FSM - All Hail His noodly goodness!
(...) Brilliant, Janey!! "Big Daddy" Nelson <-- Goes now to check for pasta and/or FSMs in fridge... (17 years ago, 31-Aug-07, to, FTX)
  Re: FSM - All Hail His noodly goodness!
(...) Absolutely pastariffic! Spotlighted. :) -Anne (17 years ago, 31-Aug-07, to, FTX)
  Re: FSM - All Hail His noodly goodness!
(...) Nice work, CL Janey! Very intelligently designed. Spotlighted. Thanks for sharing. Cheers Richie Dulin (17 years ago, 31-Aug-07, to, FTX)
  Re: FSM - All Hail His noodly goodness! ordering and consuming spaghetti and meatballs at every meal is that an act of worship or am I offending the gods? I'm all worried now... nice moc btw :) (...) you're welcome ;) Steve (17 years ago, 4-Sep-07, to, FTX)

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