Re: The SNOT strikes back!
Mon, 5 Apr 2004 13:29:53 GMT
2645 times
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In, Larry Pieniazek wrote:
> In, Jason J. Railton wrote:
> > In, Larry Pieniazek wrote:
> > > > Is this some kind of wind-up?¬
> > >
> > > I dunno,.. what are you asking? Did you figure out how to make Dobbin
> > > mechanised?? What are you getting at, Jason?? I can never figure out what you're
> > > getting on about.
> >
> > Because everything of British origin I build you seem eager to immediately
> > ascribe to somewhere else in Europe! It's 'Eurotrash' horses now is it?
> No, no! Eurotrash things are SMALLER, not bigger.
> I'm just saying that your horse, lovely as it is, either is out of scale, OR the
> molded horses have been undersized all along.
> Personally I think it's the latter, because after all, LEGO undersizes houses
> and cars and boats and planes and trains too when scaled against the minifig.
> You're not seriously thinking I don't *like* your horse, are you?
I wonder what breed the moulded ones are meant to be? Perhaps your daughter
could investigate... ;-)
I think the Lego horses look like little ponies, but are scaled to the minifigs
as though they're mature. They're completely the wrong shape though, with fat
legs and skinny flat flanks. I just wanted something that's bigger than the lot
of them and horse-shaped, instead of rocking-horse shaped. Yes, it's huge, but
I still maintain it's not impossible to have a Shire (or cross) of that size.
I've stood next to Shire horses, and some of them are massive - and you know how
tall I am.
Jason Railton
Message is in Reply To:
 | | Re: The SNOT strikes back!
| (...) No, no! Eurotrash things are SMALLER, not bigger. I'm just saying that your horse, lovely as it is, either is out of scale, OR the molded horses have been undersized all along. Personally I think it's the latter, because after all, LEGO (...) (21 years ago, 5-Apr-04, to
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