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 Building / Mosaics / 477
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Re: NEW SOFTWARE: PicToBrick - Make your own mosaic!
Sat, 20 Jan 2007 15:32:06 GMT
51 times
Yes, very neat programming! I tried to make a quick and dirty mosaic and it came out alright, but if I want to convert a picture, I’d want all the colors that are in the original. is there some tool to ‘grap’ the map of a jpg or gif? and then, what if I want to create the mosaic for real, then i’d need all the available brick colors no?

good work! Jan.

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  NEW SOFTWARE: PicToBrick - Make your own mosaic!
Hello! I'm posting this on behalf of Tobias Reichling: (URL) Hi, we - Adrian Schütz and Tobias Reichling, two German students (computer science) - have passed our diploma with the title: "Generating mosaics from multicolor raster graphics by (...) (18 years ago, 19-Jan-07, to lugnet.cad,, FTX) !! 

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