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 Building / Minifigs / 157
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Re: Check this knight out...
Newsgroups:, lugnet.castle
Sat, 13 May 2000 01:19:21 GMT
1988 times
In, John Robert Blaze Kanehl writes:
I don't think this fig sucks at all = )

Why thank ye, thank ye very much!

Is the green hair from a new set? or your own design?

It's a hacked up Qui Gon hairpiece that got painted. That piece has got to be
the most versatile hair out there.

I really like the silver shoulder guards...are the shoulder boars from
cannibalized Ninja armor?

Nope, they are just made of paper. I don't have any Ninja sets (yes, you did
hear me right), but that armor does look cool.

I have always wanted to put a point on one of those silver broad
first attempts were rather disappointing and sadly lacking in skill...I
tried fashioning a point with symmetrical cuts using an exacto, but I took
off too much chrome near the point...
Other attemts using wire cutters and scissors failed as well, often causing
a series of white folds or fractures in the laminate...

Xacto knifing it into a point only took me a few seconds.. I found that using
the really wide bladed ones with a good solid handle work best for things like
that. All you have to do is position it and push down and off comes the
unwanted section.
Greg Majewski

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Check this knight out...
(...) I don't think this fig sucks at all = ) He has a very interesting "fantasy/superhero" quality about him...I confess I am unfamiliar w/ the game you reference, but your character has a Fial Fantasylook to him...The boots are a nice touch, I (...) (25 years ago, 13-May-00, to, lugnet.castle)

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