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 Building / Military / 610
    Re: New Moc: Russian Attack Helicopter, Ka-50 'Hokum' (Werewolf) —Geordan Hankinson
   thanks Pedro! (...) Thanks, (...) Well they spin, and they can spin in different directions, but I didn't get them on seperate exles, so they can't spin the same way as the real thing, and they aren't motorized either. :-( (...) Hey thanks, but do (...) (23 years ago, 7-Feb-02, to
        Re: New Moc: Russian Attack Helicopter, Ka-50 'Hokum' (Werewolf) —Pedro Silva
   In, Geordan Hankinson writes: <Snipped> (...) No, sorry Geordan. I think I may have a clue, though: apparently they have been used in the Russian Carrier, and in a big vessel which I think is classified as battleship (the last (...) (23 years ago, 3-Mar-02, to
        Re: New Moc: Russian Attack Helicopter, Ka-50 'Hokum' (Werewolf) —Chris Klint
   (...) Off the top of my head, the closest thing to what you're describing is a Ka-25 Hormone ASW chopper; like the Ka-50, however, its rotors are stacked contra- rotating models. The closest thing I know of is in civilian production, the Kaman K-Max (...) (23 years ago, 3-Mar-02, to

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