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 Building / Military / 601
    Re: New Moc: Russian Attack Helicopter, Ka-50 'Hokum' (Werewolf) —Mark Neumann
   Cool! I like your landing struts, great use of the droid arms. I'll be honest, It's kinda hard to see the pics, blurry, but from what I can see it looks good. keep it up Mark (23 years ago, 6-Feb-02, to
        Re: New Moc: Russian Attack Helicopter, Ka-50 'Hokum' (Werewolf) —Geordan Hankinson
   Hey thanks for the reply Mark! (...) thanks, unfortunately, the landing gear do not support the entire heli, when I was building them, it supported what I had so far easily, but the moment I added the back, it all went down hill from there, and it (...) (23 years ago, 6-Feb-02, to

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