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 Building / Military / 245
    Japanese guy's Bf 109, —Geordan Hankinson
   Hey pretty cool, Not very clean, espeically up front, but still cool, love the landing gear. (URL) know someone isn't going to be too happy. ;-) -Geordan- (23 years ago, 25-Oct-01, to
        Re: Japanese guy's Bf 109, —Geordan Hankinson
   Oh never mind, the translation says that it's a fockewulfe 190 or ta 152, their goes my knowledge of WWII aircraft, ;-) Sorry for the initial shock there Shaun. ;-) -Geordan- (...) (23 years ago, 25-Oct-01, to
        Re: Japanese guy's FW190, —Shaun Sullivan
   (...) *pant pant* That's okay, I've managed to pull through with my ticker still intact ;P -s (23 years ago, 25-Oct-01, to

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