Re: M3 Halftrack in Japan
Tue, 23 Oct 2001 13:24:39 GMT
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To All,
> Purists beware! This extremely cool site with extremely cool models makes
> considerable use of MegaBloks in its constructions, such as this one:
Some of creations are great, the half track is a great rendition. I wish I
could read Japanese, though!
> I love it, of course, but some of the more conservative AFOLs may find it
> objectionable...
Hey, I am a very conservative AFOL, and I don't mind it one bit. Oh, wait,
you meant in terms of non-LEGO use. Oops! : )
Scott S.
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| | Re: M3 Halftrack in Japan
| (...) considerable use of MegaBloks in its constructions, such as this one: (URL) love it, of course, but some of the more conservative AFOLs may find it objectionable... Dave! (23 years ago, 23-Oct-01, to
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