Re: New Newsgroup:
Wed, 5 Sep 2001 14:33:04 GMT
599 times
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> How did this come about? Did I miss too many .admin posts?
> Anyways, great news--it's making me want to get back to my
> Pz 38(t) now (but I can't)!
Well, there was much back-door dealing, and I have apparently abdicated all
rights to my first offspring.
Actually, the all-powerful Lugnet Admins were very accomodating .. I e-mailed
with a post outlining a concrete request with details, and offering to help out
with various aspects - curatorship, charter, announcement, etc. Less than a
week later .. and voila!
Well, that and the ever-present threat of constant tormenting at NELUG
On an administrative note ... I've put up a bunch of links and resources to get
us started. It will probably be pretty clear to the most casual observer where
my own tendencies lie, as WWII-era stuff makes up a good 60% of the material,
at least. If others have any invaluable resources or ideas, please feel free
to post them or e-mail them along.
I'd also like to get together some choice reference books that are still in
print to list. Lugnet recoups some of the proceeds from Amazon purchases
linked from Lunget pages, or something like that, and I'd like to help out in
that regard if we can. Again, I have a couple of WWII references I can list.
Any other essentials?
Thanks in advance!
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