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 Building / Military / 1112
    Re: MOC: Willys Jeep with variations —Constantine Hannaher
   For some reason I was stuck on using the 1x2 brick with tilt top! Thanks for the hint, but I find that placing the panels a plate lower brings them in line with the headlights rather than above them and have found the effect congenial while not (...) (22 years ago, 23-Jan-03, to
        Re: MOC: Willys Jeep with variations —Mattias Martensson
   Hi For those of you interested to build the Willys Jeep I have now put up Ldraw instructions of the model on Bricklink (URL) (22 years ago, 26-Jan-03, to
        Re: MOC: Willys Jeep with variations —Constantine Hannaher
   Thank you for your effort, Mattias. Interesting that I have the same wheelbase but that one extra plate of height, and one studs' worth less length at the back, should make a difference. (...) (22 years ago, 26-Jan-03, to
        Re: MOC: Willys Jeep with variations —Mattias Martensson
   (...) Fine pictures Constantine I like the shorter back. I think its more true to the original. Mattias (22 years ago, 26-Jan-03, to

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