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BrickFest 2005 Event Kit
Newsgroups:, lugnet.announce,,,, lugnet.general
Sun, 1 May 2005 20:54:22 GMT
296 times
Hi all,

The BrickFest Team, would like to invite all members of the AFOL community to submit model designs for consideration to be produced as the BrickFest 2005 event Kit!

The BrickFest Event Kit is a small LEGO kit to commemorate BrickFest 2005. Here are some details...

The BrickFest Event Kit is a keepsake that the attendees really enjoy and associate memories with, so the idea is to have something that will remind people of their BrickFest experience.

One of the most notable challenges in designing the BrickFest Event Kit is to create a small, affordable model. In developing a model for last year, the following constraints were used:

1. Small part count, way under 100 elements.

2. Use commonly available and low cost elements as possible (~$5.00).

3. Make the set unique to the locale as possible.

An additional factor is to work flexibility in the design so pieces can be substituted out as expenses warrant. The BrickFest DC 2004 Event Kit, designed by Joe Meno, was revised three times to reduce costs before a final design was decided.

Submissions are due on or before May 22nd!

Feel free to send ideas in advance. Send ideas and entries to Thanks!

Christina Hitchcock & the BrickFest Team

August 12-14th 2005 BrickFest

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: BrickFest 2005 Event Kit
(...) Here's my submission: (URL) (grins, ducks, and runs!) Jeff (20 years ago, 2-May-05, to, FTX)

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