Hello dear LUG!
Today Id like to present 9 capital combat starships of the Rebels / New
Republic to you.
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Now lets start with A New Hope. The first ship we see in this movie is the
Tantive IV, a Corellian Corvette, also known as Rebel Blockade Runner. I didnt like two
things of the official corvette mini model that came with the 10030 UCS Star
Destroyer: first, it was slightly too long, and second, the cones for the
hammerhead front were not wide enough and too long. So I waited some years.
:wink: And finally the Fez hat was introduced for the Indiana Jones series. This
hat piece exactly had the proportions I had waited for so long. The next problem
occured for the engine section. I really liked that at the official model, but
this type of construction was too big for my slightly smaller version. How to
get 11 engines in 3 rows of 4:3:4 engines each? Well, some day I examined an
ordinary 2x4 brick from the underside and saw exactly 11 stud holes in 4:3:4
order. Yay! I then used electric light bulb covers for the center engines and
diamonds for the outer engines. Only this way the 11 engines dont get in steric
conflict with each other.
In The Empire Strikes Back, we see the Redemption, a
Nebulon-B Escort
Frigate. Its a typical line frigate used by both, Rebellion and Galactic
Empire. This is yet another version of the popular starship which I built
because I already showed you the UCS ISD-sclaed version some weeks ago. Its in
typical mini-scale. But even when the models are very small, I want to include
as many recognizable details as possible. Like the 7 engines here. It was quite
tough and cost me several days until I found a solution where all engines have a
similar diameter. The chainsaw body has a special double function here. It
allows for attachment for the lowest engine in a way that a part of the cone
disappears in the stud notch of the brick above. And second, it allows for the
attachment of the stabilization fins.
Its in Return of the Jedi when we first see the powerful backbone of the
Rebel fleet, Mon
Calamari Star Cruisers. There are many variants of these ships, but among the
most common ones are the MC80 star cruisers. Here you see a winged Liberty-type
cruiser like the one that was destroyed by the Death Star. The construction is
very sleek by using a SNOT technique allowing to use curved slopes in a
streamlined fashion.
What not many people know is that theres a second Rebel combat starship in
Return of the Jedi. Its only shortly seen during the Battle of Endor, and was
long a mystery. Recently this vessel has been identified as
Dornean Gunship or
formerly Y-Head Corvette. The Dornean Navy joined the Rebellion just before
the Battle of Endor. The little ship is highly complex with lots of small
greebly attachments and details. To include the main details and to realize the
typical head shape, the model is slightly larger than I intended it to be.
Now were done with the official movies and will continue our journey by going
into the Expanded Universe (EU). One of the most common and most popular Rebel
combat ship is the Corellian Gunship. Unlike the slightly larger corvette, the gunship is
designed only with combat in mind. Its to scale with the corvette and thus also
approximately to scale with the UCS ISD. It uses the same Fez hat as the
Not so well-known is the Quasar-fire Cruiser Carrier. Directly after the Battle of Endor, the freshly
founded New Republic sends a task force to help the people of Bakura against
the invasuon of the Ssi-Ruuk. Flagship of this task force is the Flurry. The
ship can carry 4 squadron of starfighters in a huge hangar bay. The upper parts
of hinge bricks serve as fighter racks here.
Its during the Hapan Incident that were first introduced to the Mon
Remonda, a Mon
Calamari MC80B Star Cruiser. Its another variant of the Mon Calamari Star
Cruiser which has backup shield generators, and a different shape. This time I
used the different angles of wedge-plates to get a streamlined curve for the
I want to close with two ships from the Thrawn Trilogy. Being highly modified
Dreadnaught heavy cruisers of the Old Republic, the
Rebel Assault Frigate
is a class of its own. Its highly automated and Rebel technicians gave it a
unique greebly look. It needed many many round 1x1 plates to get the design done
as you can imagine. :wink: The engines are attached on inverted 75° 2x3 slopes
which have stud notches on the back side.
The second ship from the Thrawn Trilogy is the
Neutron Star Bulk
Cruiser, also known as Rendili StarDrives Battlehorn. Like the Nebulon-B
frigate this ship is used by both, Rebels and Imperials. It uses a similar hull
technique as the Assault Frigate. It sat a long time on my shelf here, but now I
am happy to reveal this relatively unpopular ship to you with all the other new
designs. The engine section is quite tricky featuring hinges, and several wedge
After this lengthy presentations I am finally done for today.
Thank you for your time and interest!
Have a great week!
Yours Christopher.
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