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 Building / Mecha / 8979
8978  |  8980
Set Review: 4097, Designer Set, Mini Robots (parts list not included)
Fri, 25 Apr 2003 21:30:49 GMT
807 times
before i begin, i would just like to say, this set was created with kids in
mind, and the instructions follow suit, so bare with me...


In purchasing 4097, i was amazed at the price to part ratio...(217 parts for
9.99$=WOW)...the majority of the pieces are brightly colored, small, and
excelent for decaling any design you might have. the six 2x2 double sided
click hinges are invaluable for small scale builders looking for strength in
design. For those of you put off by the kiddy aspects of the box, (the
flying pieces in the background and whatnot), your fears are un warented. In
seeing some of the mecha designs set forth by LEGO, one can see that they
are tapping into our little cult following, in others words, its a big step
forward. Another great feature is the addition of the artwork for a few of
the mecha that are buildible...

so, if you are looking foor a set by its self that has a build-worthy design
or tow, you may be just a little disappointed, but, if you are solely
looking out for pieces that are a staple for mecha builders everywhere, then
this is a great buy.

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