In lugnet.build.mecha, Gregory Muri writes:
> So, the bottom line is I am still a much bigger fan of traditional Lego >over the newer style of building that seems to be more and more >common in the sets released by Lego. However, I can see potential for >these types of models,but man they get expensive fast. I wonder how >many youngsters out there get frustrated with the fact that they never >seem to have enough of a particular part when building their MOC's (but >I guess this applies to all types of Lego from one time or another).
> I would be interested to hear from others on their opinions of this topic
> and any different perspective to what I have said here. In particular,
> anyone with kids that love Bionicle.
> BTW, I have started another large Bionicle project thanks to great >clearance sales at walmart.com. as of yesterday the latest was Bohrok >three packs for only $4.
> Greg
Yikes!! That thing is pretty wicked!! You seem to do pretty well building
with Bionicle. I've found that building with Bionicle is like weaving.
You have to fill out the empty spaces with "stuff" just to make it look
solid enough.
BTW are you related to Bryce McGlone? You both have similar building styles
(creature-mechs). Can't wait to see more! :-)
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