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 Building / Mecha / 7945
  Re: New Mecha (finally...)
Wow, that is very cool, Mladen! Good to see a new mech from you. The legs look really nice- the detailing and greeblies on them work well. The big gun is great too, and the dishes at the back of the MTP really work well- they remind me of those on (...) (22 years ago, 3-Jan-03, to
  Re: New Mecha (finally...)
(...) Thanks John! (...) Heh, yep, I used similar techniques again to mount them upside down too. ;-) (...) Yeah, that was my intent! (...) I think I get what you're saying! You might definitely be right. ;-) (...) Thanks. (...) Mladen Pejic, over (...) (22 years ago, 4-Jan-03, to

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