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Re: RX-75 Guntank
Mon, 28 Oct 2002 14:56:08 GMT
834 times
Tony Knaak wrote:

Cool Guntank man! Nice treads, I wish I could get my hands on some of

Thanks. Try Pistco/Dacta if you're in the US, they still sell them.

For not really knowing much about this mobile suit, you sure did a
nice job. You say you built it off a model, do you have a link to these
pics you built from? Finally, the half studage on the lower torso was a
nice touch.

It's linked on the page in the beginning :)

Here's the link to save you the trouble:


Message is in Reply To:
  Re: RX-75 Guntank
Cool Guntank man! Nice treads, I wish I could get my hands on some of those! For not really knowing much about this mobile suit, you sure did a nice job. You say you built it off a model, do you have a link to these pics you built from? Finally, the (...) (22 years ago, 28-Oct-02, to

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