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 Building / Mecha / 6426
6425  |  6427
Re: Guardian Armored Issan
Tue, 9 Apr 2002 02:03:20 GMT
430 times
Jeff that thing rocks! wow!

It has such a sweet stance, bulky and tough, I really like it. The chest has
a awesome shape to it as well, very rounded and smooth. coolness! the use of
the brown bionicle masks is really swell too, they add a cool roundness to
it all.

I love the feet too! they are so round! and smooth, sweet, the same has to
go for the hands and arms.

You really work wonders with bionicle pieces Jeff, I find them really hard
to work with, but you are able to use them so well.



In, Jeff Ranjo writes:
Hey folks!  New GA in town.  Guardian Armored Issan (mountain) is in the
house!  This one started one day when I was messing around with a Pahrak
that was sitting on my desk at work.  I decided to take him apart the see
what I could make out of just one Bohrok.  Out of that came a hand.   Then I
went from there.  I was further inspired by a lunch trips to Chinatown
toystores and a comic book store named Meltdown in Hollywood (the best one
in LA) with Bryce McGlone and Dave Johann.  I got a Hobby Japan and there
were a couple of shots of mechs from Five star stories that got me really
fired up. I have to say that brown is last on my list of favorite colors but
I really liked the way this one came out.  Things I think are cool are the
fully articulate fingers and the four ball and socket jointed ankles.  The
shoulders are fully poseable but can't support the weight of the massive
fore arms.

Go here for more pics:



Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Guardian Armored Issan
(...) Hey Geordan, Thanks! My goal when building is to try to fill out the form as much as possible so it looks solid. With the new parts it's a little bit easier to do that. I'm glad you liked it! :-D (23 years ago, 9-Apr-02, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Guardian Armored Issan
Hey folks! New GA in town. Guardian Armored Issan (mountain) is in the house! This one started one day when I was messing around with a Pahrak that was sitting on my desk at work. I decided to take him apart the see what I could make out of just one (...) (23 years ago, 8-Apr-02, to

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