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 Building / Mecha / 6347
6346  |  6348
Re: Easter MOC: Mecha 002: Lucifer
Sun, 31 Mar 2002 19:54:07 GMT
682 times
He's over one meter tall and, well. Here's the addie:

WOW!  I did not expect that I would see such a large mech for at least 6 more
months.  One question: Exactly how tall is it?  (Is it taller than my ZERO?)

104 cm.

At any rate, it is a job well done!  Amazing is the fact that you had enough
red bricks.  The head especially has a real nice touch to it, and having
multiple pilots adds to the whole mecha.

Well, I did not have enough red bricks as the whole back is uncovered
and also it lacks details badly.

But I like the head - yeah :)

I can't wait to see you Gundams, I am positive that it will turn out to be

Don't excpect it to be big though - also I'm taking a covard route
with this model. But I hope it'll be great, or good at least :)

Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: Easter MOC: Mecha 002: Lucifer
(...) So my ZERO is still the tallest (and probably ugliest) mecha out there :) (...) Oh yeah, I know that feeling all to well. When it comes to the largest mechs details go out the window (usually, not always). On the topic, since you have an (...) (23 years ago, 1-Apr-02, to

Message is in Reply To:
  Re: Easter MOC: Mecha 002: Lucifer
(...) months. One question: Exactly how tall is it? (Is it taller than my ZERO?) At any rate, it is a job well done! Amazing is the fact that you had enough red bricks. The head especially has a real nice touch to it, and having multiple pilots adds (...) (23 years ago, 31-Mar-02, to

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