Re: The "Centrite Carona" Hardsuit.
Thu, 18 Oct 2001 07:20:47 GMT
698 times
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Not bad for a first attempt. Simple, but it works. Don't hesitate to
experiment. If you would like suggestions for your next MAU, try
different limb designs and maybe add some dimension to the torso. Keep
the head though; it has a nice helmet shape to it. Look around for
ideas if need be.
Welcome to the group.
Travis Dickinson
Mark Nelson wrote:
> Hello, one and all.
> I finaly finished my first hardsuit. (At least I think that's what they're
> called. I call them mobile armor units.) Because it's my first, it's not
> that great. Nothing like the Kicker by Mladen, unfortunately.
> Centrite Caronautics is proud to present the "Centrite Carona" Mobile Armor
> Unit:
> --
> Mark Nelson
> PS: If you're wondering why this message just cropped up here because you
> saw it in, it was because I forgot to cross-post.
Message is in Reply To:
| | The "Centrite Carona" Hardsuit.
| Hello, one and all. I finaly finished my first hardsuit. (At least I think that's what they're called. I call them mobile armor units.) Because it's my first, it's not that great. Nothing like the Kicker by Mladen, unfortunately. Centrite (...) (23 years ago, 17-Oct-01, to
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