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Re: LSM-003A Intruder (First completed mecha)
Fri, 14 Sep 2001 03:49:15 GMT
361 times
Hi John
You have made some very good mechs, the 003A being a favorite.  Everything from
the torso and up looks great.  The MSs have a very strong Zeon feel to them :)
I would suggest experimenting with different kind of mech sizes though.  You
may find that building a larger MS can give you more creative freedom.

Keep up the good work.  I hope to see more of your creations in the future.
Bobby (Neo-Oz)

In, John Carroll writes:
Here are some preview pics of my first three completed mecha.  They are
three different models of The LSM-003 Intruder.  The LSM-003 Intruder is a
space and Low-G ground type, light scout mech. The actual models are 5
minifigs tall and about 14 studs wide.  They are minifig scale and have
minifig accessible cockpits.  They stand up remarkably well and are
extremely stable.   The limbs have a pretty good range of movement but tend
to fall off in extreme poses.

More pictures coming soon.  I?m still getting the hang of photographing Lego
and wasted a lot of pics plus I?m all out of film.

LSM-003A Intruder Mass Production Type

- The first Production Intruder based off the LSM-003X
-I built this black one first.  It is based off a mech that I started about a
year ago but never finished because I didn?t like the proportions.  The head
and torso were too large and the hips were very fragile.  I never finished
the arms.  But I really liked the legs.  I shelved the model for a while.  A
couple of months ago I discovered the ball & socket joints, that come with
some bionicle and c3p0 and the storm trooper.  I dug out the old mech.  I
kept the legs (with some minor revisions) and re built the rest.  I
completed this model about a month ago. (With revisions to the shoulders and
feet as I built the second and third models)

LSM-003B Intruder Improved Mass Production Type
? After a year of production of the A type and with pilot feedback an
improved Intruder was introduced.
- I was very happy with the result of the A type model and decided to build
a gray one that would be easier to photograph.  It has some minor
differences from the A type.  The shoulder armor vents were improved and I
may change the A?s to the grille brick.  The feet retained the same basic
design but became less clunky.   The inside calves have thrusters.  (I
couldn?t find any lt. gray 3 x 3 33deg slopes so I altered the design a
bit).   The front hip skirt plate is different (I am debating using the 4 x
4 triple slope wedge design on the A-type).  The original foot covers seem
to only come in black so they are different.

LSM-003T Intruder training type
? Used for the training of mech pilots
-This one started out as a second B unit that was going to be white (It
still is going to be a white B type) but as temporary parts I used 1x4x2
panels with 2 windows. It looked really cool.  So I used a windowed cockpit
hatch.  The backpack houses a second cockpit for the pilot instructor (or it
will when  get all the parts).  The cable, running from the backpack to the
torso, connects the instructor?s back up and bypass controls to the mech.
It is multi-colored because the new students bump the training mech around a
lot.   (As you might be able to tell, I build regardless of color first then
switch in the correct color when I find/get it, but it is a good story for
the pictures.) The left arm and left leg plus the hips are from the gray B
type.  It didn?t have a right arm when the pics were taken.

- More notes: Since I took these pics I completed the Intruder T in dark
gray, light gray and white.  I am waiting for stuff to arrive to complete
the white B type using the current T type?s skeleton. I remade the A type?s
Feet in light gray using the B type?s design. I switched out all dark gray
in the A type for light gray.  I also began a red B type. It has a temporary
torso (not able to accept minifigs yet), the hips and one leg.  I?ll keep
everyone updated and hope to have 5 mecha built soon (1 A type, 4 B types)
black, lt. gray, white, red and . . . well . . . I?m not sure probably d.
gray or blue. After searching Brickbay I have narrowed down the number of
color that have all or most of the important parts to black, blue, dark
gray, light gray, red, tan, yellow and white.  I?m leaning toward blue.
Future plans include building a permanent T type. Building an LSM-003E
short-range Escort type.  Building an LSM-003R Recon/Commando type.  And
building a few HSM-007 Thunder heavy mecha. (which is in its early,
experimental stage of being designed)



Message has 1 Reply:
  Re: LSM-003A Intruder (First completed mecha)
(...) Gundam & Armored Core are my biggest influences. I really like the mono eye of most Jion Mobile suits and it helped keep the head small. (...) I plan to build larger minifig scale mecha eventually. I definitlly felt confined by the size (...) (23 years ago, 14-Sep-01, to

Message is in Reply To:
  LSM-003A Intruder (First completed mecha)
Here are some preview pics of my first three completed mecha. They are three different models of The LSM-003 Intruder. The LSM-003 Intruder is a space and Low-G ground type, light scout mech. The actual models are 5 minifigs tall and about 14 studs (...) (23 years ago, 13-Sep-01, to

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