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 Building / Mecha / 4218
    Re: The Cankerworm —Dave Johann
   Ah, the mecha that gave me such sweet dreams the past few nights. As usual, Bryce, you've outdone yourself. How many Throwbot gear boxes are in that thing again? 40? It's just phenomenal what you can do with simple parts, man. Here's to finally (...) (24 years ago, 10-Sep-01, to
        Re: The Cankerworm —Bryce McGlone
   (...) Something like that. Though I think we're closer to 50. VIVA Brickbay!!! It's just phenomenal what you can do with simple parts, man. (...) Thanks Dave. (...) Hey everyone. I want to puplicly thank Dave for all the parts he gave me to help (...) (24 years ago, 10-Sep-01, to

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