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 Building / Mecha / 4131
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The Vaporization of Zero Two
Fri, 31 Aug 2001 23:56:40 GMT
516 times
Alas there can be no pictures of all four
gundams together:

No minifigs were harmed in the creation of these images ;-)
Actually series like Gundam point out that both
sides in a war believe they are justified in their
actions and have the moral high ground.
Being against all war and weapons is no more moral than
being on either side, as morality is determined
by whatever doctrine(religious, political) a society is currently
preoccupied/deluded with. A very fluid thing, morality,
that's why scientists shouldn't be concerned with such concepts,
as they are meaningless and irrational. Conflict and war do however
advance science and technology, the only byproducts of human
civilization that will allow it to survive if this planet suffers an
extinction event (e.g. art and philosophy won't stop a killer asteroid,
but a beam assault rifle would).
So, a powerful mech with a big gun means another mech that isn't as
powerful is going to get vaporized, thus spawning a new
more powerful design. I find this good and declare it moral.


Message has 2 Replies:
  Re: The Vaporization of Zero Two
(...) Pretty powerful statements you got there Brian! ;-) Man, those pictures are awesome!!! The last one is my favourite; I love how the BAR is sort of drifting in space. Excellent pictures Brian. BTW I love how the whole Gundam series treats war (...) (24 years ago, 1-Sep-01, to
  Re: The Vaporization of Zero Two
(...) Nice! (...) Very well said! I can not agree that scientists should not have to worry with morality. Or maybe I do agree? It depends if we were talking about personal morality or the current morality of the masses. But then how would a person (...) (24 years ago, 1-Sep-01, to

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