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 Building / Mecha / 4125
4124  |  4126
Re: Hello everybody!
Fri, 31 Aug 2001 14:29:32 GMT
769 times
cool pics Chris. I love the "Full Metal Jacket" one!!! Make sure you bring
him with you to the Lugola meeting so I can have a grudge match against my
old school GI Joe.

In, Christopher Snead writes:
Hey, everyone!

I've been moving and what not, and haven't been able post for a while.  I've
been keeping track of what's been going on, though...

Brian, when do we get to see some new pics of "04"?  I would REALLY love to
see a group shot of all four of them together!

Mladen, cool exosuit!  I love your use of battle droid bodies!

Two of my favorite mecha builders have made quite a comeback - David Thomas
Jr. and Colin Gutierrez;  What terrific work!  I hope to be seeing a lot
more from both of you in the neart future...

Geordan, I really like your newest mecha.  You've really come quite a ways
with what you,ve been building.

There were more, I think, but my memory is bad...

I've posted some new images of Cepheus, as I have finally figured out how to
use my freakin' digital camera...

Finally, you mecha enthusiasts, keep an eye on LUGOLA pics on Sept. 8th... I
gotta feelin' you'll all be quite pleased by what you're gonna see...  I'm
making a special trip down there just so I can get some IRL glimpses...

See you later!


Message is in Reply To:
  Hello everybody!
Hey, everyone! I've been moving and what not, and haven't been able post for a while. I've been keeping track of what's been going on, though... Brian, when do we get to see some new pics of "04"? I would REALLY love to see a group shot of all four (...) (24 years ago, 31-Aug-01, to

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