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 Building / Mecha / 3984
  Re: New units for Terran Security Force and Beltworlds Alliance
(...) though) Railguns work, basically, by shooting metallic "slugs", via electromagnets, at extremely high speeds. Think of two rails, now imagine that the two rails have electromagnets mounted on them. Now imagine a piece of metal being attracted (...) (24 years ago, 24-Aug-01, to,
  Re: New units for Terran Security Force and Beltworlds Alliance
Neat-o! Mechs with classic vehicle windshields! Yep I like that! Your smaller style Mecha are like a power suit type design, vey cool. Keep em' comming! Your site has always been one of my favorites. Thanks Good luck and good job..... Eric (...) (24 years ago, 24-Aug-01, to,
  Re: New units for Terran Security Force and Beltworlds Alliance
(...) Thanks, I get get it now, I knew it had something to do with electromagnets but didn't know what they did. I wonder if you could make one of these out of lego that actually worked. It might, the bullet would be a magnet, with two magnets at (...) (24 years ago, 24-Aug-01, to,
  How Railguns Actually Work...
Arrgh. I guess I better clear this up for everybody now. Allow the classic underachiever to explain... Gauss guns [in general] propell a projectile by electromagnetism. There are two main types: Coil guns and rail guns. Coil guns actually have (...) (24 years ago, 26-Aug-01, to,
  Re: How Railguns Actually Work...
(...) big-o snippage, Yup, I get it (for the second time) Thanks -Geordan- (24 years ago, 26-Aug-01, to,

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